Sandbox at SGF

Sandbox @ Summer Game Fest 2024

With another jam-packed event in Summer Game Fest 2024 behind us, Tyler from team Sandbox shares his thoughts on the in-person event.

Summer Game Fest 2024

“Boy am I tired – that’s definitely my first thought after getting back home, ha! Seriously though, it was a blast. This would take forever to pour out all my thoughts, so instead how about a quick rundown of the events + plenty of photos?

First order of business was attending the listening party for Absurd Venture’s A Better Paradise. The star of the show, Shamier Anderson, joined in for a Q&A session, and they had some delightfully colored drinks. Definitely an audio-drama folks won’t want to miss!

Friday, I went to check out the Summer Game Fest 2024 showcase. As always Geoff put on a great show – it was of course fantastic to see our Space Marine 2 showing up, and was also a great surprise to hear some fabulous indies (including Buckshot Roulette) called out early! Plus, as a huge fan of Atlus, the more I get to see of Metaphor the better.

At the after-party, we demoed Space Marine 2 on some beautiful Samsung monitors, and of course I had to snag a few photos with some industry legends.

  • Space Marine 2 at Summer Game Fest 2024 party
  • Space Marine 2 at Summer Game Fest 2024 party
  • Tyler and Atlus' Soejima
  • Sam Lake and Tyler

That evening I went to The Mix/Guerilla Collective where our very own Stormgate was showing off the game to press ahead of early access this summer. I’m only realizing while writing this I didn’t get many photos of the beautiful (and crowded) event setup – so instead you get one blurry picture photo-bombed by the fantastic Jill Grodt of The Indie Informer.

  • Stormgate Banner
  • Guerilla Collective Banner
  • Stormgate Demo
  • The venue - but blurry.

IGN Live had its first ever year which I was excited to check out on Saturday. In brief, IGN had an excellent crowd for the first year of such an undertaking! Plenty of goodies given away, tons of live content and demos, plus the egg – I’m very curious to see how this event evolves and grows going forward.

  • IGN Live Crowd
  • IGN Live Crowd
  • IGN Live Crowd
  • Heading Out x IGN Live
  • Heading Out x IGN Live
  • The Elden Ring Egg

Later, I went to see Giant Bomb’s get-together. So many folks around and some very creatively named drinks. Though I didn’t take too many photos here, check out a few below!

  • Golf Club Drink name
  • Cryptid Tyler

It’s no secret that this last year or so has been incredibly tumultuous for the games industry. If anything, that’s made events like these even more important. They serve as an excellent reminder that more than just the games and the companies involved, it’s the wonderful people behind them that make this industry something special. I have too many JW selfies to shove in this gallery here – so check them out over on my personal Twitter. It was so great to see so many folks again and tons for the first time too. Can’t wait till we do it again!”

You can check out our last event post here and follow us on LinkedIn here!

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